EP 07: Pack Often, Pack Light: How Yelena Dasher Is Inspiring A New Wave of Women Travelers

How can you possibly know your place in this world if you have not seen it? One of the best ways to gain new perspective and learn a lot about other cultures, as well as yourself, is to travel. Aliah is talking to Yelena Dasher today, who through her own adventures, is inspiring a new wave of women travelers.

How can you possibly know your place in this world if you have not seen it? One of the best ways to gain new perspective and learn a lot about other cultures, as well as yourself, is to travel. Aliah is talking to Yelena Dasher today, who through her own adventures, is inspiring a new wave of women travelers. She endeavors to search out the adventures available to the working woman and encourages others to be bold, explore, and challenge themselves by challenging their points of view. Travel opened doors to her, literally and figuratively, and became the medium by which she challenged herself, discovered what she was capable of, and brought her joy. She started her website, Pack Often, Pack Light, in 2019, with the hope to inspire other people to journey more in their lifetimes. Dream big; you can do more than you think you can!

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