How To Start Using Crystals In Your Wellness Journey



If you would have told me a few years ago that crystals would be part of my wellness journey (even having crystals on my desk and near my bedside) or that lighting incense, Palo Santo, and sage would be a daily occurrence and aromatherapy would give me so much joy, I probably would have laughed. I was so immersed in healthy eating dieting and exercising to be my ideal size that it never occurred to me that incorporating a more holistic approach would help me become the happiest and healthiest me.

As I delve deeper into my health and wellness journey....beyond the myriad of exercise classes I have taken, taught, and wrote about on my previous platform GET FIT DIVA, there was always something missing. I have now incorporated natural elements into my "health and wellness arsenal". Yoga, meditation, my Peloton, crystals, chakras, aromatherapy, and more plant-based eating (flexitarian) have helped me more impactful as a woman, mom, wife, and entrepreneur.

I realize how important it is to reconnect our mind, body and spirit and not only rely on endorphins and clean eating to get me to destination: happy. Sure, I have my days when is woe-is-me and bad things happen (because: LIFE) but now I have a better foundation that can help me through those times.


Learning about crystals can be so overwhelming. I didn't know where to start but I had a close friend that uses crystals so I was able to ask her insights but to truly learn I had to do more than just speak with her.

Here are a few ways you can ease into crystal healing:

Follow influencers/gem specialists like The Hood Witch and The Energy Muse. Both provide insights and knowledge on how crystal healing can help you.

Visiting a crystal shop can be beneficial. On a recent trip to San Francisco, I ventured out and visited a well-known crystal shop. However there are online shops.

Borrowing and buying books on crystal healing. I live for my public library (hello books, e-books, and audible books for FREE) but I needed more than thirty days to dive in. Books like ‘Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing’ and 'Crystal Bliss: Attract Love. Feed Your Spirit. Manifest Your Dreams.’ can help you on your journey.

Use your intuition to find crystals that speak to you.  Sure, you can align crystals with your chakras but sometimes a crystal chooses you. Either by touching it in-person or looking at a picture on-line, trust your connection with it. There's so many shapes, colors, formations...let your intuition guide you.

Crystals aren't a magic fix. However it can help with healing, encouraging hopes and dreams, and manifesting success and wealth---as long as you are putting in the work.

Do you use crystals? Do you have any tips for those beginning to use crystals in their wellness journey?